Business Development

What is “Responsive” Design?

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What is “Responsive” Design?

Responsive” is the latest and greatest buzzword in the web design world these days, and while many agencies are deciding to adopt it simply because of its demand, the theory of “responsive” design has actually been around for more than a decade. During the post-dot-com boom in the early 2000s when flat panel monitors rose to fame, many of the same concepts we use today were created. Overall, “responsive” design is the notion of creating websites that “respond” to different size screens, therefore presenting legible and visually pleasing experiences at any size.

Achieving a successful responsive design can often be difficult. Essentially, it requires the designer to create a single concept style that can be re-formed into up to a dozen different sizes. On top of that, it then becomes the developer’s responsibility to build the site to “snap” or change the physical size of its layout based on the user’s current screen size whether that is a 30″ flat panel, or a 3″ mobile screen. A great deal of understanding of good design, physical space, and straight web development knowledge are required to pull it off.

If you’re interested in learning more about creating a “responsive” website custom tailored to your brand and style, contact me today!


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