Business Development

Cheers to Freelancers

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As you may know, I recently restarted my web design & development business,, and couldn’t be happier about it. I don’t think I could’ve picked a better time either. Many of my new freelance friends have agreed- business is good. It seems like with the economy the way it is, freelance / contract workers are more popular than ever.

It makes sense, too. When times are down, hiring a contract employee has great benefits to a company: you don’t have to pay them full time, you don’t have to pay them benefits, and you get the same level of expertise. Additionally, what better time to invest in an inexpensive marketing solution? Websites and online advertising are longer term than print ads, are equally effective, and typically cost less.

There’s plenty of bonuses for us contractors too! I get to sleep late and set my own hours, work with a wide variety of businesses to keep my mind fresh, and have a number of agencies who keep me on retainer as a temporary employee to work as needed.

Yep- cheers to freelancers!

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